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Amaranth Leaves


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6 hours ago, Jadenlea said:

So OEM  I have a question for you about the amaranth seeds. I see you have plenty of people wanting them so  I will get my own, but i looked it up and there seems to be a bunch of kinds of Amaranth.  How do I know which are good for the shrimp, or are they all good?   some leaves are green, some have big red leaves.. ect.


I think there are probably 50+ types of Amaranth.  Some are raised for grain and others are for greens.  Color variations are the result of country of origin, and some from breeding programs.  Some plants are bland while others are mildly spicy.  I have several wild specie types on my place as well.  Since they are culturally grown the same all the types will be eaten by shrimp as well as people.  I have roughly 4000 seeds based on 28,000 to the ounce as well as several thousand each of Kale, Broadleaf Sorrel and Kai Lan (Chinese kale) so there is plenty for members and enough for me to swap for other seeds and donate to seed libraries.


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Yes Jadenlea any of the amaranths that people can eat will be nutritious for shrimp as well.  East coast people can find lots of great organic green seeds at High Mowing Seeds in Vt. or Johnnys Selected Seeds in Maine.  West coast, Peaceful Valley Farm Supply in Ca.  I deal with all of these dealers for my garden, as service is great' prices are right, and HUGE selection.

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Ok.. I stopped at our local garden store today on the way home. I did order the seeds off ebay but I was also interested to see if they had Amaranthus at the plant store.  They had 2 kinds.  "Love Lies Bleeding" and "Early Spendor"    are both shrimp safe OEM?

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1 hour ago, Jadenlea said:

Ok.. I stopped at our local garden store today on the way home. I did order the seeds off ebay but I was also interested to see if they had Amaranthus at the plant store.  They had 2 kinds.  "Love Lies Bleeding" and "Early Spendor"    are both shrimp safe OEM?

Both varieties are grown for their visual appeal.  LLb for it's large seed head later in the season that looks cool. ES is showy as well and does well in hot humid conditions with less chance of fungal infections.  As far as I know all of the amaranths leaves are edible, but ones bred for human consumption generally have more nutrition.  Even the wild species have long tap roots that bring up minerals to the plants foliage.,,,, Mike

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1 hour ago, Jadenlea said:

cool thanks.  I just want to own a plant called "Love Lies Bleeding"


It is a beautiful plant when mature with the pendulous seed head!

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