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FS: Black Pandas and Mischlinge - will ship


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I have some juvi black pandas (for sale only black pandas!) that were bred in my tank. I think I have about 20 or so to sell. Their pattern varies and some can be shadows.


$6.00 each


If you buy 10 I'll add 1 for free.



Also have young adults mischling shrimp for sale. ONLY black ones for sale! They also were born in my tank. Their mothers are RKK mischling and I'm not sure who were daddies but I have in there Black Panda, Blue Bolt and Wine Red males. I don't have many of them... maybe 20 or less.


$3.50 each


or buy 10 and I'll add a Black Panda!


Thank you!


Shipping is $15 by USPS Priority Mail.

(Heatpacks/Coldpacks additional $2.00)         

DOA Claim will only be valid if the following conditions are met-

  1. Must physically receive shrimp within two hours of delivery confirmation.
  2. Within the two hours of delivery confirmation send a clear digital picture of dead shrimp inside the untampered LongLife bag next to my shipping label.
  3. Must receive package on first delivery attempt.

*Shipping price is non-refundable

**I only ship within the Continental US

***I am not responsible for USPS delays and/or mishandling


(Thank you, DETAquarium!)






Edited by svetilda
updated shipping and DOA policy
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should get back on the horse and try shipping again. Why dont you take some baby steps and offer shipping within CA? It shouldn't take more than 2 days at the most to ship anywhere in CA. If its getting to hot, a nice little semi frozen or gel pack kept in the fridge taped to bottom of the styro lid with good pink insulation and your good to go.

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Thank you very much for the encouraging, guys!

I think I have to try to ship again... I sent a package to Soothing and added 2 shrimp in the package... they arrived fine to their new home...

Because I'm going out of the country for almost 2 months I need to sell as many shrimp as I can... I'll try again, maybe this time I'll get more luck!


On 05/06/2016 at 2:51 PM, OMG Aquatics said:

Also be sure to ship them out before the first dispatch. I noticed a 99% on time delivery vs 85% when I dropped off my packages on last dispatch.



Thank you for your tip! But how do I know when the first dispatch is? Should I ask workers at my PO?



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Very tempted! I'm in the east bay, so not too far, but I think I want to wait a bit before moving up to Taiwan bees. I only just got my first crystal reds a few weeks ago, but they are all still alive at least. Still too young for breeding, so I can't claim success yet. I might want to try some of your mischlings. What are you water parameters, and when are you leaving?

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For mischling my ph is about 6.6-6.8, TDS about 200, temperature 67-78


I'm leaving in the middle of June and will be away almost for 2 month. All that time my DH will take care of my shrimp... and I hope for the best...:-)

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Very tempted! I'm in the east bay, so not too far, but I think I want to wait a bit before moving up to Taiwan bees. I only just got my first crystal reds a few weeks ago, but they are all still alive at least. Still too young for breeding, so I can't claim success yet. I might want to try some of your mischlings. What are you water parameters, and when are you leaving?

If you can handle CRS you can handle mischlinge! Do it!

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I agree misch's are like mutts and are hardy and tolerant for caridina's

Well put! Very much like mutts. This analogy gives me more peace with my mischs, although they've been thriving in 7.4/2/6/240. :o

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I'm still hesitant, simply because I don't use remineralized water. My water comes out the tap at pH 8-9, TDS 40, and low KH, and GH. It buffers down easily to around 6.5 pH even though I use eco-complete as a substrate for all my tanks. Maybe it's the driftwood that drives it down? I split my group of crystal reds into two tanks so I wouldn't have all my eggs in one basket, and they seem fine, though I'm not sure those conditions would work as well for TBs. 


How many mischlings do you have left? I think I can place all of my crystal reds in one tank, then mischlings in the other tank. I've been wanting Pandas, but I thought it'd be wise to try crystal shrimp first.

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I don't use remineralized water either. But my tap water right now is about TDS 150-170. In the tank with mischlings it's around 180-200 (I don't know why) and ph 6.6-6.8.

I still have all of them (I think about 15-18). If you buy all of them I'll give you 2 TB (black panda and/or BB).

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