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Finally got it going :)

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Nice setup you have there! Shrimp will be able to look over the ocean in front of it.

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Yeah its just shy of 4" total tank depth.  The tank brand is called "Aqua Bella".


I modified mine quite a bit.  Stripped the background off and painted it black instead of the stupid saltwater background, did a spray foam rock texture on the both ends to hide the intake/return from the filter.  Swapped the pumps out for more flow, removed the heater altogether, added a pair of 20w LED strip lights into the stock hood and removed the fluorescents, and then rewired it all again.


The shrimp seem to love it so far :) All up and down the back of the tank. 


Looking at getting a school of Celestial Pearl Danios for the tank also.

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16 hours ago, aquariumlover10 said:

looks awesome, what is the tank below it?

Tank below it is a 140 gallon coldwater marine aquarium with livestock I've collected from the Oregon coast. I recently brought in 5 Red Rock Shrimp from California for it :) Tank rus at 57F and is plumbed out into my garage with a 150 gallon sump and an 8 tank holding system. Here's a couple of my favorite pics from when it was well stocked with anemones.

Had to post these to inspire myself to go get more green and anemones and NOT sell them all_.jpg

Had to post these to inspire myself to go get more green and anemones and NOT sell them all_(1).jpg

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I changed the rock formation recently and removed the waterfall, so its growing back in now with algae and Im going collecting in June to re stock it. Here is a more recent pic, not up to par yet, but getting there. Still need to install the ceiling mounted spot lights so there is an unobstructed view from the top.


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Yeah I dive a little with a surface fed system(aka hookah) but mostly just snorkel and tidepool collect my stuff. I've kept lots of weird crabs over the years, strangest is probably the box crab species or one called a rhinoceros crab.

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I've had all kinds of stuff in it, Australian Boxfish, Splendid Seaperch (anthias spp) from Portugal, even imported Weedy Seadragons when I was still selling stuff.


Right now I have a school of Shiner Perch, 1 Blacksmith Chromis from the water off of Catalina Island, a Blackeye Goby, and a few native sculpins.  Going out in June for some really cool stuff like Grunt Sculpins :)

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Well I ended up passing on the celestial pearl danios I found, just too skinny and skittish.


Opted for a school of Cardinal Neons for the time being, I know this will limit my shrimp breeding but was curious if anyone else has breeding groups with neons?

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Quick tank update:


Looks like the shrimp have thinned themselves down a bit from the initial 20 I put in.  Only counted 7 visible at any one time (I'm sure I missed a few) but I figured I may lose some of the smaller ones which was acceptable given the price.


Plus side, now I have the repeshy shrimp food and the remaining shrimps are really coloring up nicely :) Should be picking up quite a few more red neos and the white/red neos from a friend first weekend of june.


Played around with the flow a little bit and made a pair of directional nozzles using some 1/2 black vinyl tubing and my heat gun.  I had noticed that the flow was fast, but it wasn't moving the surface of the water much and I had started getting some film on the top.  Nozzles took care of that and now I have a nice dual counter current gyre flow that pulls from the surface down. 


Java moss is starting to creep up and attach to the spray foam rock walls on both ends and the chain swords are all showing new growth in the middle, though the outer leaves are slowly dying off (kind of assumed they would).


Cardinal tetras are great in the tank and seem to love the flow, they school constantly in it and dart to the surface for any food that doesn't get pulled down in the gyres.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Picked up a bucket full of shrimp from some friends the other day :) Filled with the red and white striped guys and the solid reds.  The tank is filled with shrimp now! I love it :)


Gonna set up a separate aquaeon 8 gallon as a small breeding tank for select colors. 

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