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Mystery snail ate my blue bolt

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I'm not surprised that this mystery snail ate the shrimp. They will eat anything and dead shrimp/fish (and sometimes fish's poop, I know it's gross but I saw it in my tank!) too. But I don't think that a mystery snail can catch a shrimp!

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So im thinking, should I leave the mystery snail in my shrimp tank. all of my shrimp tanks have 2 mystery snails. I just never experienced them eating a shrimp in front of me. they probably have been doing that for a while to all the dead shrimps I have, perhaps that's why I never see a dead on in my tank ever. hmmmmm

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I'd say 99% chance it was already dead when snail started eating it. But yeah, a shrimp will eat any dead critter on offer. They can't see well at all so they operate on a mixture of scent and taste/touch when they try to bite something. They will certainly not be afraid to try a bite of any old thing, but a shrimp would never be trapped by one. I doubt its "teeth" could puncture a living shrimp's carapace as well. This is why they don't eat living plants, their teeth simply can't break down a healthy plant efficiently enough for it to be worth the effort. There have scientific studies in which the common mystery snail starved to death when given only live plants to eat (it's why they are legal to trade). I could see maybe a threat to a wounded living shrimp, but again I just doubt the snail would be motivated to do it or even able to unless tissues were already breaking down.


The only realistic risks for mystery snails in shrimp tanks (my opinion, of course) are: 1. Snail does its parasailing routine on top of an unsuspecting shrimp. I had a tank densely stocked with dive bombing snails as well as shrimps of all ages and never saw a shrimp fail to dodge the snails, but I think it could happen. 2. Is just the bioload of the snails, which could shock a system that normally has so little bioload that it might not need water changes like a lightly stocked shrimp tank.

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Funny you mentioned the dive bombing I see that happening a lot. I always wonder if an unsuspecting shrimp will be u set the snail when it does it. I do in fact do water changes more frequently just to deal with the bioload, it's not much that I see since I try to feed lightly or move the snails to a feeding tank instead. All in all, I love these snails with shrimps. I think the two in the same tank make a great visual IMO. But to all there own 

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On 5/17/2016 at 2:12 PM, Dluxeshrimps said:

Funny you mentioned the dive bombing I see that happening a lot. I always wonder if an unsuspecting shrimp will be u set the snail when it does it. I do in fact do water changes more frequently just to deal with the bioload, it's not much that I see since I try to feed lightly or move the snails to a feeding tank instead. All in all, I love these snails with shrimps. I think the two in the same tank make a great visual IMO. But to all there own 


I definitely think they're good for shrimp tanks. It especially gives some wiggle room in terms of feeding since mysteries will eagerly gobble up whatever shrimp s leave for them.

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8 minutes ago, josu2 said:


I definitely think they're good for shrimp tanks. It especially gives some wiggle room in terms of feeding since mysteries will eagerly gobble up whatever shrimp s leave for them.


which was my initial reason to have one in each of my shrimp tanks. I feel they are much better at cleaning up after my piggies are done eating.

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Just now, Dluxeshrimps said:


which was my initial reason to have one in each of my shrimp tanks. I feel they are much better at cleaning up after my piggies are done eating.


Yeah, you're doing the right stuff! At least in my opinion, of course. Those "risks" in my earlier post was more for the sake of speculation and not so much because I think there is much risk involved.

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1 minute ago, josu2 said:


Yeah, you're doing the right stuff! At least in my opinion, of course. Those "risks" in my earlier post was more for the sake of speculation and not so much because I think there is much risk involved.


I say as long as your a daily parameter freak checker like myself the tank should be fine. perhaps I check too much... I check morning when I wake up, afternoon and at night before bed.

I am very picky about my tanks and want nothing but a healthy tank. so far so good, no massive death or complete system disasters. :) (hope I didnt jinx myself right there)

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Just now, Dluxeshrimps said:


I say as long as your a daily parameter freak checker like myself the tank should be fine. perhaps I check too much... I check morning when I wake up, afternoon and at night before bed.

I am very picky about my tanks and want nothing but a healthy tank. so far so good, no massive death or complete system disasters. :) (hope I didnt jinx myself right there)


I've read before that mystery snail rely heavily on certain bacteria in their guts for digestion and that when they poop them out, it adds to the healthy bacteria in the tank. I at least try to tell myself their poops are good for my tank :)

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11 minutes ago, josu2 said:


I've read before that mystery snail rely heavily on certain bacteria in their guts for digestion and that when they poop them out, it adds to the healthy bacteria in the tank. I at least try to tell myself their poops are good for my tank :)


if the poop is beneficial, im not so sure myself. perhaps it maybe but to a certain extend. im not fully aware on the snail poop topic, if anyone knows I hope they can chime in. interesting

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  • 8 years later...


I'm sorry about your blue bolt.

I confirm 100% that mystery snails can and do eat healthy neocardia shrimp, they don't just eat sick or dead shrimp.

I was watching my shrimp today, they are very active healthy shrimp, sometimes they are have little meetings I the same place.its cute to watch them. .So they were having a group shrimp meeting,They were happy,digging,moving around as they normally do, then one of my xl mystery snails dive boomed ontop of the group of shrimp.My snail opened its mouth and sucked up a whole moving healthy neocardia shrimp in a secound,then wondered  off,leaving the other shrimp alone.

I have kept the snails and shrimp together in a very large tank for the past year.The shrimp bread well,the shrimp also ride around on the snails backs,they were very chilled together.

However after seeing my xl mystery snail eat a whole large healthy shrimp I have now moved my snails to my second tank.I love snails and shrimp,they are delightful but I will keep them in seperate aquariums after seeing this today.

All my shrimp, snails have a full varied diet, healthy plants and regularly tested water.

I hope this helps.

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