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Color qustion


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Okay, I have one of those color questions that is confusing me and my sister. She has Painted Red Fire Shrimp, I have Taiwan Fire Shrimp, Our respective phone cameras cannot get good enough pictures to send to each other... would they be the same color? One slightly darker? Or is it one brighter and one deeper in color. My Taiwan are a deep boiled lobster red, purchased from Alpha Pro Breeders. The red shrimp I have been dreaming of for seven years.


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I once had Taiwan Fire Shrimp, they were incredible. Generally speaking people grade RCS as Fire or PFR based on opaqueness, intensity, and coverage of color. The problem is that one hobbyist can claim to have PFR based on their opinion while someone else may classify them as Sakura. Here is a little chart to base your judgement, see if it helps conclude an opinion: 


RCS Grading.jpg

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Mine are the lovely deep red, some shiny like they have been polished, but all a solid red. Even my males, for a while I was afraid I had all females because they were all the same dark color. I have a tank full of little babies now, and I am hoping that most of them will color up the same as my adults. If not, off to the cull tank they go.

So I could possibly send some to my sister and they would not color down her shrimp. She got hers off off Craigslist from someone saying that they were Painted Fire Reds.


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