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Ice packs


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Can someone share with me, please, what ice packs do you use for shipping shrimp?

It's getting hot here and if I want/need to ship my shrimp I think it's better to add one into a box. But I have no idea what I have to buy.


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i kinda asked the same thing.

got one reply with a suggestion.

then i did some thinking...

why pay for 2 pound priority plus ice packs that won't last 2-3 days.


i went with signature.

the gokarts they drive are cooler then outside,

if they park and walk the block,the package wont be outside too long a 7x7 box takes some space in the bag.;)


they have a better chance sitting at a post office a few extra days then sitting in 90 or 100+.


unless your walking to the post office,doesn't matter what your weather temp is.

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Thank you for that link, zodiac!

I agree with you. I was thinking and reading about this too. And many people are saying that the first night is too cold and next day the ice pack doesn't make much difference.

I was just asking in case if I still decided to go with the ice packs or someone will ask for one. Also ctaylor3737 says he sends during hot weather for pick up at the post office. That way the box with shrimp will stay in a cool room.

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Priority Hold For Pickup is an option.

paypal doesn't offer it.*

you need to use click-n-ship or another service.


*the post office zip code could be different then the buyers address,so you loose seller protection on "item not received".

i'm not worried about that.but if you sell high priced shrimp,it's something to consider.

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I've never shipped any living critters, but I found these:

This guy is selling some ice sheets. I asked him about these and he says you just freeze them and place in the box when shipping. Don't know if it's some sort of gel that stays colded longer than plain frozen water (ice) or not.



Bob's Tropical sells these


From the looks of it, you could use any ice pack (you can find similar items at walmart near the ice cube trays).


I have no idea how long each lasts (likely depends on temperature). I don't know if the temperature fluctuations (cold from ice, but once melted, temps rise, though might be safer than extreme constant heat).


Maybe it's a smart idea to tape the ice pack to the box wall/styrofoam (maybe even wrap it once with newspaper) to avoid direct contact with the bags or to keep it from getting damaged and leaking (probably toxic gel?). No idea.

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Has anyone tried using dollar store ziplock sandwich bags filled with water then frozen?  6"x6" size which can be folded smaller.  One cup of water equals 1/2" depth, two cups equals 3/4".  About $3 dollars for 100 bags.  Might be worth a home trial in your insulted box to see how long until melted and temperature is too warm.  Non toxic if it does leak.  Dry newspaper sounds good too for barrier.

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