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Mr. F

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Just picked up 2 fem and 1 male what I think are super red tigers from an LFS that had them mislabeled at low grade CRS, $4 each! They haven't quite colored back up yet. (After a 4.5hr drive!!) dripping them now into my misch tank because I don't want to dilute my tbs, but I will have to try some crosses. What do you think! Super red patterning?


I will post more pictures when then color up!

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A little more color after only 30 mins into acclimation! They must be taking to to the new water params. Fingers crossed!

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Ten mins ago:



Now, about 50 mins into acc:



The one on the left ( I think male), has only white bands and orange flesh.



So what do you guys think? Are theses super reds?

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Ive personally never heard of super red tigers. Heard of fancy red tigers before if thats what your trying to say. If not, disregard lol. Btw looks like a tibee (CRSxTiger) to me.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Decide to put them in with my nessies so they can't cross with anything and I'll get some more! Tigers and neos get along? And my params are 7.4/3-4/6-7/175, that's okay for tigers, yeah?

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Ive personally never heard of super red tigers. Heard of fancy red tigers before if thats what your trying to say. If not, disregard lol. Btw looks like a tibee (CRSxTiger) to me.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Hmm, maybe. I appreciate you mentioning it. If they are CRSxTiger they're definitely not going with the TBs. Don't want mischlinge popping up.

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They're definitely not "low grade CRS", and maybe not even tibee. I tested the water they came in and it was 7.4/2/6/165. Sounds like some kind of tiger to me.

When I first got home, I originally started dripping them in my misch tank with a pH 6.4, and they started losing color more than before. They're coloring back up now that they're in higher pH/alkalinity water.

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Also have you ever seen a tibee at an LFS!?!? Mind blown and day made.. and I went just looking for some driftwood...

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Ive personally never heard of super red tigers.

It's a red tiger with complete red coverage. They looked so perfect in the store, full color, so I got every last one(3, but 2F:1M isn't bad). I hope the long drive didn't do them in!

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Got a couple quick ones of them in the tank. Pretty sure they're not at full color yet, definitely not what they looked like at the store, but they're seeming to like their new home and tank mates.






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I don't know what they are but they look cool! Congratulations anyway!

And tigers go alone with neo's just fine. Make the parameters good for tigers and cherries will like it too.

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I don't know what they are but they look cool! Congratulations anyway!

And tigers go alone with neo's just fine. Make the parameters good for tigers and cherries will like it too.

The Nessies always come first. Lol. But what's the difference between their params anyway? Tigers just like it a tiny bit softer right? That's how I keep my nessies anyway!

They're bright and swimming around this morning! So I think they're doing alright for now.

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Getting back their color slowly. They were basically clear when I got them home last night

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Ive personally never heard of super red tigers. Heard of fancy red tigers before if thats what your trying to say. If not, disregard lol. Btw looks like a tibee (CRSxTiger) to me.

Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

You were totally right I was speaking nonsense. Lol. They are fancy red tigers I believe! How will they do with inert substrate and a higher pH? They're tibees after all still right? I tested the bag water and did a 7hr acclimation just because I had no idea what were and just tried to match the params the closest I could.

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I'm fairly certain they're Fancy Red Tigers.


Anyone with experience with these? Are my params good?


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I'd say they are fancy red tigers.

Technically they can be any Tiger x Bee cross, but usually they refer to Tibee, or sometimes Taitibee.

Look up Safari (line) Tibees for some nice looking strains.


I don't have any first hand experience with fancy tigers, but everything I've seen, most keep them in Taiwan Bee params.

The LFS water params they were in may have not been appropriate and may not survive long term in those params.

Then, you never know if this strain has been adapted to those water params.


I've always wondered myself if Tiger cross offspring would liken Tiger/Neo params more, or Taiwan Bee params more. Most things I've seen show  them being kept in Taiwan Bee params.


Before trying to adjust things, see how they do in the params they are currently in. If they are active, molting and eating normal, then they should be good. You can use their coloration as a little health gauge as well.

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Nice find! I keep my fancy tigers in bee parameters and they do fine. The closer your water parameters are to the parameters they came from the better off you will always be. Or, your shrimp will be. lol!

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I'd say they are fancy red tigers.

Technically they can be any Tiger x Bee cross, but usually they refer to Tibee, or sometimes Taitibee.

Look up Safari (line) Tibees for some nice looking strains.


I don't have any first hand experience with fancy tigers, but everything I've seen, most keep them in Taiwan Bee params.

The LFS water params they were in may have not been appropriate and may not survive long term in those params.

Then, you never know if this strain has been adapted to those water params.


I've always wondered myself if Tiger cross offspring would liken Tiger/Neo params more, or Taiwan Bee params more. Most things I've seen show  them being kept in Taiwan Bee params.


Before trying to adjust things, see how they do in the params they are currently in. If they are active, molting and eating normal, then they should be good. You can use their coloration as a little health gauge as well.

Yeah, that's pretty much my logic. They colored back up when I got them in there and just keep looking better!

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So I think they're Safari Fancy Red Tigers. Google searches turn up mostly pictures of them on inert substrate. The few links with breeder and parameter info recommend regular tiger params.

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Very nice pick-up. Those are certainly Tibees or Taitibees, and even nicer because they were a cross with a red tiger.



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