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Mr. F

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If I am not mistaken, the "Safari" line, is only strains from the German breeder Monika Pohler (aka Mo). It's a newer, higher quality strain that seems to be getting a little popular (more importers are starting to get ahold of them). From reading how she created the Safari strain, they started from Crystals being crossed with Caridina mariae (a different wild tiger species). So I would doubt the ones you have are from the Safari line, and are just average Tibee or Taitibee hybrids (still nice, but haven't been worked to increase color saturation like the Safari line). I just mentioned that strain so you could see how some of the high quality strains can look. I'm pretty sure similar results could be had with crossing other Tiger species. For your shrimp, just do searches on "Red Tibee" or "Fancy Red Tigers" (just saying they aren't likely to be of the Safari line, but Tibee/Taitibee nonetheless). I still think they were recommended to be kept in Taiwan Bee params, but like I said, see how they do. Which sounds like they are doing well in the current params, so whatever works!


Some info on the Safari line





Saw this



Looks like Dreamer Yoyo has experience with crossbreeding. Send a message and see what parameters their fancy tigers were kept in.

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Looks like Dreamer Yoyo has experience with crossbreeding. Send a message and see what parameters their fancy tigers were kept in.

Thanks for the tip, just did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 weeks and they're still happy. I think I may have 3 females tho. What males should I cross them with? I'm in a pickle because they're in neo params and happy, but I want to cross with Taitibee/TB to see if I can get some pinto patterns. But all of mine are kept in very low pH! :(

Do I:

1) introduce them into the TB tank?

2) put a TB male in the fancy tiger tank?

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I would go with option 3) set up an new tank and aclimate your ladies and their new gentleman to the same prameters. You would want to keep the babies from mixing in your TB tank until you see what they look like. That is what I would do, keep a few 5gal tanks laying around in case I need to isolate someone.


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I would go with option 3) set up an new tank and aclimate your ladies and their new gentleman to the same prameters. You would want to keep the babies from mixing in your TB tank until you see what they look like. That is what I would do, keep a few 5gal tanks laying around in case I need to isolate someone.


LOL, option 3... Hahaha. But ooh, I like, kinda a happy medium. Buuuut... have like a 50% possibility of making that happen. I just gotta oust my fish from my fully planted, convert it to my new cull tank, then my current cull tank would become the home for fancy reds and TB suitors. Probably could use some active soil added...


Next question:

What to cross with? Suggestions?

1) TB + pheno(s)/cross

2) Tibee + pheno(s)/cross

3) Taitibee + pheno(s)/cross

4) Misch + cross

Thank you!

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