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How to kill Planaria


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So this morning, as I was looking into my Taiwan bee tank, I saw one 1cm long Planaria slithering on my tanks back wall. I did some research into how to get ride of Planaria. Even though, I have only spotted 1 Planaria, I would like to know a safe way to get rid of them, ins case they start to overtake the tank. Here is one website I found, and I wanted to know if this method of removing Planaria is safe for shrimp, and if anyone has tried it.


If anyone has any other methods for killing Planaria, feel free to list it.



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Yes i used it on my taiwan bee tank and I had babies in there. It is a natural product and it has shown no adverse effects. I have googled as well prior to using it and I didnt see anyone complain about it, in fact it has some really great reviews... and its very easy to use.

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I believe betel nut extract should be handled with care, using gloves and in a ventilated area (carcinogenic).  I've used it successfully to kill planaria, but I do think it may have had some effect for a month or two on the overall health of the tank.  

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Your pic is very blurry, but I'm not convinced that is a planarian.

Yes it is vey blurry, this is because I used my iPhone to take it.

The reason I thought it was Planaria, is because is was arrow shaped, I could see the 2 black eyes, it came out at night, and I saw it stuck to my glass.

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I,use fenbendazole ,sold as panacur and other names  easy to,buy as its a cat and dog wormer, kills planaria and hydra , I treated 4 tanks 9 months ago and still free of planaria , never lost a shrimp including berried and babies, I believe because it's used on valuable animals it's manufactured to strict controls. I don't keep snails which with all planaria treatment can cause an ammonia spike but it did not kill pest snails 

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Be aware no planaria is not 100% shrimp safe! Trust me... i have seen a lot of comments at dutch shrimpspots where breeders lost all their shrimp neo's and caridina due to no planaria!


Most common used in the netherlands for planaria is flubanol 

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Be aware no planaria is not 100% shrimp safe! Trust me... i have seen a lot of comments at dutch shrimpspots where breeders lost all their shrimp neo's and caridina due to no planaria!


Most common used in the netherlands for planaria is flubanol 

Do you know what caused their shrimp to die? Did they overdose?

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Some of them first used half of the dosage to see how his tb would react... in a short time all shrimp slowly died.

The rest kept with the recommended dosage and stil lost their shrimp..

The most like was no planaria cause they did not had dead shrimp before using no planaria.


But i hav also read succesfull story's about no planaria.


I think it depends on your group shrimp..

Some group can stand against the poissen and other groups don't (no planaria is poissen you are adding to your tank.. the 1 shrimp will withstand it better then another shrimp.)


I am curious how your shrimp will react to it


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You can avoid medication completely by catching all shrimps and moving them to somewhere else. You won't have any planaria unless you somehow get egg capsule hitchhiking on the shrimps. Destroy the tank and restart. If you want to keep plants and decor, you can dip them and quarantine them in a bucket or whatever before placing it in other tanks. I think that it's probably the best option if you want to avoid possible deaths. As I understand it, planaria medications are basically poisonous substance and you're dosing just enough to kill planaria but not shrimps. You definitely have some risk of losing shrimps if you choose to go with medication route. 


e: you can move shrimps to temporary container and medicate the tank then move shrimp back in it. Probably the easiest and safest way to do it.

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you need to do water change after you use no planaria (ammonia spike can follow).... you need to make sure you do not overdose it. I have used it recently with no adverse effects. I followed the instructions and did a water change and will do smaller water changes a little more frequently. No problems . I would love to hear if anyone on this forum has had a bad or good experience with it. 

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and if you use it after 3 days cycle/clean the WHOLE substrate conpletely! All those dead planaria must get out of the substrate/tank or it will rot and cause a very poor water parameters.

(I'm prety sure you know this all but just in case..)

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48 minutes ago, Rivergardennursery said:

Just Curious, has anyone tried the Planaria Traps?  any feedback on those vs the meds?

You can trap them all day long, the traps work, but if you don't solve the root of the problem, you will never see the end of them.

By the time they are in your trap they have already reproduced.

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