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How to kill Planaria


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2 minutes ago, Rivergardennursery said:

Thank You.  Now who carries No Planaria in the US?

Can't speak to US, but everyone here in Canada carries it pretty much.

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1 hour ago, brocknorman said:

Well it has been over 24 hours, and I can't seem to find any Planaria ;) (even with how hard I look around) if I see any. I'll let you guys know. As of now, I'm not going to buy No Planaria, because I don't see any.

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WHen you see one, unfortunately - there is likely alot more in the tank. They will reproduce so I don't think there is any other way then to treat the tank. I bought mine here, it arrived within a week-



Just make sure you do some small water changes after the dosing to prevent an ammonia spike.


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here's where I got some a while ago



I think traps are good for assessing if you have an issue. Also putting a trap food item down does a similar thing. Yes, they will be somewhat effective in removal, but you do need to address the cause and use the chemical for 100% removal.


I did research No Planaria a lot before using; I found a lot of very old posts (many many years old) about people using it and having issues, I think it was more of an interaction with fertilizers. For me, I removed a subset of my population (neos) to a temporary tank and dosed the tank. No losses.


Be sure to look at pics of rhabdoceola worms, too.



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I don't agree that chemical treatments are not worth the risk , if used in a proper controlled method with drugs that are manufactured to strict control they can be very valuable , there's very little natural about keeping shrimp in aquariums , re my above post using fenbendazole this tank was treated last September and has produced over 200 babies indeed in the last month I have taken out over 60'taiwan bees including the 28 juvies in the photo.

I learned 25 years ago the value of correct medication , I had a semi commercial discus breeding set up mostly German stock I bred  many batches but always about 4 weeks they went dark and gasped at the surface and died, I tried all the over the counter meds to no avail so I contacted a European expert of fish health called Untergasser. He advised I buy a basic microscope and dissect the gills they were heaving with Gill flukes , I followed his advice and treated with flubenol IE a pig wormer and in the next few years successfully raised over 6000 discus mostly with the eggs removed from parents ,

today this is common practice .

since treating my tanks I am planaria free but I will always dip plants even in breeder keeper issue 3 the writer states fenbendazole is safe 



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Ok, I will order no Planaria today. Whenever it gets here, I will put my 8 Taiwan bees into my marine land breeder box. And I will follow the directions on the no Planaria very strictly. I have one question though, when I do the water changes, should I vacuumed the substrate, or just suck out and put in new water.

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2 hours ago, brocknorman said:

Ok, I will order no Planaria today. Whenever it gets here, I will put my 8 Taiwan bees into my marine land breeder box. And I will follow the directions on the no Planaria very strictly. I have one question though, when I do the water changes, should I vacuumed the substrate, or just suck out and put in new water.

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Lmao i had answered this...... ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again, so it's has been 3 weeks or so, and I haven't noticed any Planaria... Until this morning. I woke up and saw about 10 tiny Planaria. I am going to start the No-Planaria treatment, but was wondering, would would be the best way to remove my shrimp from their tank?

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My No Planaria showed up. However it took so long that it appear there are none left in the tank. I put a flag fish in there just to see if it would eat them. It did.

I'm not sure whether to put it back in teh 15 with the other 2 flags and then treat the 7 gal in prep for shrimp or just remove it when i order shrimp. I have the No Planaria but do not see any to kill.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Help me please!!!!   I gonna usefor firts time no-planaria in one of my tanks . Its a 55 gallons so how much i have to dose the tank?   Im scare to over dose and kill my shrimps . The instructions said 1 spoon per 50 liters so 50 gallons its aroun 189 liter , that's mind i have put 3 spoons the firts day ?   And another question i have to take of the carbon from my filter ? 

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On 15 June 2016 at 2:34 PM, jifstone said:

You can avoid medication completely by catching all shrimps and moving them to somewhere else. You won't have any planaria unless you somehow get egg capsule hitchhiking on the shrimps. Destroy the tank and restart. If you want to keep plants and decor, you can dip them and quarantine them in a bucket or whatever before placing it in other tanks. I think that it's probably the best option if you want to avoid possible deaths. As I understand it, planaria medications are basically poisonous substance and you're dosing just enough to kill planaria but not shrimps. You definitely have some risk of losing shrimps if you choose to go with medication route. 


e: you can move shrimps to temporary container and medicate the tank then move shrimp back in it. Probably the easiest and safest way to do it.

Sorry to disagree re chemical use many keeper breeders have used fenbendazole very successfully , I treated 4 tanks for  planaria  

11 months ago never lost a single shrimp including many babies from days old upwards , filters bacteria was unaffected and I have been free of planaria since and my shrimp,are breeding fantastic all after using fenbendazole , yes chemicals should not be used without thought but fear of them is also not always warrented 

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IME, I have used fenbendazole twice. I grinded up the powder finely with a mortar and pestle and then added the recommended dose twice on days 1 and 3 and did not have any issues afterward. 

15 hours ago, Stitch said:

Would bleach dipping plants prevent Planaria from transfering from tank to tank? 

What would be the recommended bleach:water ratio?

I have used bleach before but be careful which plants that you do this to. Vals as well as a variety of other plants that I cannot remember cannot take a bleach dip and end up melting. I mechanically remove as much as i can and then do a 1:25 bleach to tap water solution and leave it in there for 2-3 minutes. After, I quarantine in a bucket  that has twice the recommended amount of seachem prime and leave for 2- hours and then another bucket with just the recommended dose for another hour. I hope this answers your question. 

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1 hour ago, JuanSan said:

I have used bleach before but be careful which plants that you do this to. Vals as well as a variety of other plants that I cannot remember cannot take a bleach dip and end up melting. I mechanically remove as much as i can and then do a 1:25 bleach to tap water solution and leave it in there for 2-3 minutes. After, I quarantine in a bucket  that has twice the recommended amount of seachem prime and leave for 2- hours and then another bucket with just the recommended dose for another hour. I hope this answers your question. 


I only have anubias, Java ferns, and different type of buces.

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