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I have been looking all over for these, and have only found 2 places that sell them, which both are over in the UK and don't ship here. Anyone know of anyone who breeds these, or even keeps them?


Thank you,


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before buying anything from azgardens I would do some google searching....they have a HORRIBLE rep.

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Awwww sad... I am one who will go off reviews.

Guess Chris (nudge nudge) is still my only hope to get my dream shrimp. With him I know I'll get quality. Just have to wait till he does his big shipment.

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Yes sir, will be soon!. Not real soon though, gotta have a few more tanks up to handle the load. Moving into basement mid next week!

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I was just informed by my supplier that they now also have Orange Sunkist and Blue Poso Shrimp :).  I will be ordering some on my next order which will probably be in a month or so.



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I think it is the Sulawesi species and not the davidii but I am checking.  I say that because I had asked them what other Sulawesi species they could get.

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