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Any new neos?

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I haven't seen any new sports really, but browsing Facebook, I did come across "Lindsey's Savage Red Neos", which are said to be a cross of Bloody Mary and RCS that are supposed to be more intense red than both separate strains and no wilds thrown. But Lindsey sold the last remaining colony (she got out of the shrimp game) on a auction on Facebook to two separate buyers. I contacted one buyer, but he hasn't got them breeding, the other hasn't replied (might have not seen my private message). They must be nice, because I think even Mayphly bidded on them, and in the end I think the Savage Reds sold for $7 each if I remember correctly.


There is a guy on Facebook named Lucas Bretz that keeps a bunch of different colored Neos together, calls them Skittles. I asked him about them, and he says the offspring don't come out as wilds. Not sure how much I believe that, but he has kept them like that for quite a while. He has had some interesting new phenotypes pop out, which I also asked about and he says they are true stable lines, which I doubt since he doesn't have on-going supply of those types of shrimps.


Besides that, I haven't seen anything that is new since you've been away. Though I don't look at too many sources.

Well, glad to have you back!

Always great to have someone who keeps track of the genes/lineage of the shrimp lines!


Thanks for all the info in the past Soothing.

If you are selling any shrimps, let me know! :) 

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Thanks ShrimpP!  Always great to see friends again! :-)


I pretty much got out of shrimping about the same time filming started.  I did get some cards/TB, but to be honest-not my thing.  They are beautiful, no doubt about that- but my passion still lay with neos.  No idea why.  :angel:


So, now I'll be starting up my neo rack again little by little.  Looking for a day job, so my neo collection may take longer collecting than I would like, but I'll get there again.  After all, I still have the equipment- even if they do need cleaning.

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Welcome back,I took a 2 year leave and things have changed............lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Soothing. I can't say where these are from except my cull tank, but I have a new colony of black neos. Don't know if anyone would be interested without lineage and I'm still testing for true breeding, but they are quite black. One (I think) has a tad of red in the tail and some start out a bit ugly, but all seem to turn quite perfectly black. BTW, it is good th "see" you still online. :)

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1 hour ago, Wygglz said:

Hey Soothing. I can't say where these are from except my cull tank, but I have a new colony of black neos. Don't know if anyone would be interested without lineage and I'm still testing for true breeding, but they are quite black. One (I think) has a tad of red in the tail and some start out a bit ugly, but all seem to turn quite perfectly black. BTW, it is good th "see" you still online. :)


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I just pulled all other neos out (ok, except "that one" that hid until the day after I took the shrimp catcher home) so I should find out fairly soon how true breeding they are. I know I have a new clutch that hatched this week. We'll see... I was surprised because I thing "the ugliest shrimp in the world" started this group but it began as just a mix of 5 culls and I have at least 30 of these blacks now. There were a couple of reds (from bloody mary) and a couple of blues (blue dream) but the great majority were these blacks. "The ugliest shrimp in the worrld" actually came from my blue dream tank. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interested too. I got out a couple years ago just as Blue Diamonds hit...I had some of the first ones in the US imported by Speedy. Awesome looking shrimp. I'm back and ready to get something. Tank is cycled and been up and running a couple months now. I'd love to get some blues again but reds are still so nice. Black neos would be totally awesome as well. One thing I've noticed is the prices are through the roof...even for RCS. I wasn't prepared for neos to cost so much. 


Pic for interest....



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