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Has anyone encountered this?!?


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I thought he was dead. But I touched him with a net and he took off.


The moss is from another tank. Not new.


I wasn't sure if it was a terrestrial centipede or a larvae of some sort.

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This is really crazy! Do you have any other photos?

In the meantime, be careful. It is quite likely venomous. I have a few entomologist friends, so I will ask around.

Apparently (Google tells me) they recently discovered the first ever aquatic centipede in Thailand.

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Ahh!! Take it out and destroy it(or set it free) lots of bugs fall into my cycling tank it's really gross. I get all kinds of spiders and flies that I find lifeless on the gravel ? That centipede is probably breathing underwater with some air bubbles that were trapped under its abdomen. 

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