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Mr. F

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So my birthday is on Monday, 8/15, and every year I like to give a "reverse" birthday gift to a random friend because I appreciate all of my friends who are so influential in my life and have made an impact on who I was, am, and strive to be. This extends from academics and research to personal life and forums, and every possible combination. 


Continuing my tradition, I'd like to extend to all of you my "Birthday RAOK" for being a big part of my life for almost a year now and expanding my shrimping knowledge with the forums collective experience. I've also enjoyed helping out using my extensive biological/chemical background and where I can with my limited shrimping experience... relative to some of you - you know who you are :P. But I truly feel like a part of a community where we can share such a unique common interest and be there for each other when something amazing, groundbreaking, or - god forbid - tragic happens.

So I'll be choosing 2 winners sometime on my birthday WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE IT CUZ IT'S MAH BDAY, so get your names in cuz this is a good one.


  • One 5x5 cm portion of Salvinia cucullata (rare cup-like floater, aka. Chinese Watermoss)
  • 5+ nodes micro-mini pennywort (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides) - much like H. tripartita "Japan" in care and compact growth, but more appealing leaf shape, IMHO.
  • 2"x2" mini pellia on ss mesh (freshly tied)
  • Your choice of 5 pink ramshorn snails OR 6+ stems of H. zosterfolia (stargrass)
  • BONUS: mystery node plant, stem plant, or moss.
  • BONUS pt. 2: I'll also throw in a food sample and a botanical from Scott at TanninAquatics to try, great stuff.

winners pay $7 shipping each. shipping 8/22.

S. cucullata:


Mini Pellia:
trimmed from here-
Affixed as shown (but on ss)-


Provides a nice hiding places for smaller species-


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1. ahboram

2. Dluxeshrimps 

3. Qawsican

4. Slycat929

5. Ohmiko 

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Happy Birthday Mr F. 

I have never been a B-day person since I was a kid, but love the reverse gift idea and will borrow that idea from you if you don't mind.

Thank you oem. I appreciate your well-wishes. I haven't really been one for birthdays since I was a little one; it seems like another excuse to make people buy things, and getting older isn't something I really enjoy celebrating either. But every year, without fail, there are those people who are so excited to celebrate "you," which I still find fascinating and awesome. And that's what this is all about. Appreciating those people.

I'm glad you like my idea. There needs to be more people like you. Definitely use it, please.

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Happy Birthday Mr F! Birthdays should be cherished imo as we never know when it will be our last. And it is a time when we get to say "we're glad you are here!"

Wyggles is right about those people who care about us.  I have had to learn to accept that gifts are given not for our benefit but for the joy of those giving them.     

Well put, both of you. And I wholeheartedly agree. But I feel like birthdays have been commercialized and everyone expects extravagant gifts. Don't get me wrong everyone loves gifts, and I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, if you will. But in the end it feels like greed, and I just feel like giving back and saying "hey world, thanks for having me," is much more profound in my book.
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Ps, it's mah birthday! It has been a late night, considering just staying awake. Getting up there in age (25, which can be rounded to 30) so I gotta take advantage of my youth while I can! [emoji12]

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