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Shrimp Help


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Hi All,

I have a 14 gallon tanks with 3 platys.

I purchased some shrimp from pets at home. Not sure what breed they were buy the were two for £5. Two were clear two were red.

For the first three months I had no problems, but then I noticed baby shrimp in the tank.

Over the past few months my shrimp population has exploded to 80 with four or five more shrimp that are pregnant according to my research.

The red shrimp have had no baby's only the clear ones.

The females carry the eggs in their belly. They look green and seem to have eyes.

How many shrimp can I safely have & is there anything I can do to slow breeding down or stop them from breeding altogether.

Sexing is impossible as they all seem to be the same size lol.

I don't even know what type of shrimp I have, I was think Ghost Shrimp?????

Help would be appreciated




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not ghost shrimp but might be wild or just lq green shrimp. Either way how cool! I wish mine would breed as plentiful as that :( You could always try selling some off? Your tank size seems very fine for a large shrimp colony

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