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brown gill- cure or start over?

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I recently came back to shrimping after filming my web series and my neglected red rili tank has a number of shrimp with brown gills.


Does anyone know of any treatments, or should I just cull the entire tank?  I must have a couple hundred in there now.


I've always prided myself on selling healthy shrimp.  So either gotta cure 'em or kill the tank off and start over from square one. :-(


Thankfully, the starting stock came from another breeder, so I don't have years of project time involved with them.

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What does brown gill look like :o can we see from your shrimp

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Are they really deep black like the pic or lighter brown? Deep black can be fungus, brown is bacterial usually.

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I'd wanna see a picture before making judgements, but the fungus is usually more aggressive and will kill off your shrimp quicker. You can try treating with nitrofuran antibacterial or maybe malachite green?

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Well since most if not all nitrofuran derivatives will kill the shrimp, I'd stick with a kanamycin or tetracycline derivative, because they're gentler. I have no sources or reason to believe they would be effective against this specific bacteria nor do I know the species of bacteria which might be causing the issue or I would have some more insight. You could try it, half to 3/4 dose, as always.

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Thanks Svelta. I'd feel absolutely terrible if in the future I accidentally sold brown gill to someone.  This is the only way I know to make sure I only sell healthy shrimp. I just have to be able to live with myself.  So no chance of selling brown gill now.


Shrimple minded- I uses the same sanitation as the CDC recommends for infectious diseases. 10% bleach solution. 1 cup bleach to 9 cups water.   Dry well, rinse with freshwater, then dry again. Let sit for a day or two, then use as a new tank.


Any cholla, I throw out as I don't want that or other porous items to soak up and retain the bleach. I also go so far as to use new substrate.


And although most of us don't use these: Avoid using bleach on silk plants and brightly colored gravel or decorations, as it will fade them.

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Mr. F.- Peace of mind, mostly.  Even if it appeared they were "cured," I wouldn't want anyone to receive one down the line that may have symptoms and pass them onto their colony.


Everyone works hard to make sure their shrimp are healthy and happy.  The last thing I would want is to cause illnesses in someone's tank accidentally.

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Mr. F.- Peace of mind, mostly.  Even if it appeared they were "cured," I wouldn't want anyone to receive one down the line that may have symptoms and pass them onto their colony.


Everyone works hard to make sure their shrimp are healthy and happy.  The last thing I would want is to cause illnesses in someone's tank accidentally.

Maybe it's sign that's it's time to switch it up to a new neo?
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Must have been heartbreaking to watch. So sorry.


I have a tank of neos that have had the dreaded green protozoan in the past (and one pops up from time to time), so I will never sell/give any shrimp from that tank for the same reason. I keep all their equipment completely separate from my other tanks (they are at work and my others are at home). But I couldn't bear to nuke them :(

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