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WTT...AquaTop CF300 Canister filter for shrimp...


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Might be a long shot but....


Finally pulled it out and gave it a test. Works great as it did when I packed it away. Super filter for a 20g long tank which is what I used it on...only for a short time. I had it connected to a large sponge filter with a plastic lily pipe output and it was awesome. Sadly I stepped on the lily pips and crunch.

Anyways...I'd like to see if anyone is interested in making a trade. My filter for your shrimp. I'm looking for a group of high grade neocardinia...preferrably black carbon rili or PRF's. Enough to make a decent breeding group. 10+.


You pay shipping on the shrimp. I pay shipping on the canister. If we can work it out...I'd possibly be willing to ship first so that you can confirm the filter does work. It will include some tubing and the canister. I can throw in the lily pipes but like I said, the output is busted up some. Canister is $99 new. I'd value it at $40-$50 due to being used even if only slightly. 

Shoot me a message if interested.





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