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Changing substrate

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My ada amazonia is now a year old and I know it expires in a couple years and just curious how people change their substrate with all the shrimp in the tank. Always what are some key indicators that the substrate is expired? Thanks in advance!

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@Ahboram, I too am struggling with what to do when my controlsoil's buffering wears out.

The most common solution I have heard about is to cycle a second tank with new soil and move the shrimp.

I have not won the battle with the wife to acquire another tank yet, so I have been considering alternatives.


Here is a proposed process to try to avoid a heavy cycle and killing off all the shrimp.


Prep: Age/cycle another batch of substrate in a 5gal bucket with sponge filter for 1-3 months.

On change day, siphon 75% of tank into a second set of bucket(s).

Catch shrimp and move to buckets.

Remove 1/2 or 3/4 or all of existing substrate (thinking here is to leave some undisturbed)

Add aged substrate + aged substrate water to tank.

Let set for 2-3 hours then test tank water for ammonia.

Drain 75% of tank.

Return the old bucket water back to the tank along with shrimp.

Run Purigen for 2-3 weeks while testing for ammonia/nitrate/nitrate spikes.



Alternatively, I guess the shrimp could live in the bucket, with filtration, of course, for 2-3 months while the tank cycles in the new soil...


Would love to hear what the community thinks on this topic.

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a unstable ph is your easiest clue, also unable to maintain low/no KH.


really the best option is once you see the slightest sign that your substrate is coming to EOL is to get another tank cycling.

I see people trying to swap out a little substrate at a time in a running tank, but it always seems like more work then its worth.


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I'm in a process of transfering my shrimp from one tank to another right now. I bought just same tank and cycled it and now add about 5 shrimp everyday to the new tank. I know about "another tank" talk from DH but I promised him when the transfer is completed I will take down the original tank. (and I'm not going to use Amazonia again for shrimp tanks... just don't like it).

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I actually have been contemplating the same, all of my tanks are buffering between 6.55-6.7, so I know it is not long before I need to make this journey. Fortunately I do have another aquarium setup and fully cycled for this event.


What substrate do you plan on upgrading to? That is important in your decision making process simply because Amazonia leeches quite a bit of ammonia, whereas some other active substrates such as Controsoil and SL-Aqua don't leech ammonia.

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15 hours ago, Greenteam said:


I recently ordered an American Marine Pinpoint pH Monitor because how highly it was recommended. What digital reader are you currently using?

The same one. Really like the product, just don't keep it on for to long or the battery dies quick.

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