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Paracard x card

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Yea that's the article I read when I discovered the other shrimp lol. Was researching crossing between strains.

I wonder if anyone has crossed them with Taiwan bees. If they cross with crs then they should be able to mate with them. This would create something new and exciting!


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I read an article and lost the link. It was about a theory of placing a male and female shrimp of different species known not to breed and leave them in a tank alone. The theory is that eventually they will breed as an act of survival. Not sure this is the case as I've kept tanks mixed since I've had shrimp. Never tried to isolate though. Makes me wonder and might use a small 2g for this as a test. Guess it couldn't hurt to try the theory. I imagine it would take a very long time if at all they would.


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I think that would be the best way to go about it. Good ole Darwin, did know that marine iguanas have crossed with land iguanas on the Galapagos Islands?

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Basically what we are doing is forced evolution. But I'm not sure it could be forced within a single shrimp life, but that would also depend on how far the breeds are from eachother on the evolutionary track.

Someone needs to go get their PhD in biology for this... on that subject my very close family friend in Germany has his PhD in biophysics I should ask him is he knows anything or at least find some thesis on the subjest. I would assume with shrimp ing having popularity in Germany there are a few papers written on it.

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the prob is even if they breed they might be sterile.  or like in the case of my battle cat shrimp the female would berry but drop all the eggs before they were due

Orange/ green shrimp tiger striped? Battle cat?
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so i did some poking around soothing. turns out i know what might have happened. i was told they were a green neo at first. the original came from nabobmob. the girl i got them from a close friend of both of us had them IDed by rachel as caridina cf. babaulti rainbow. i had a couple blue ones show up in my oebt/ orange neo tank so i tossed them in with the rili thinking that is what they were sine they were blue. some how i ended up with the pair. but that would also explain why they never carried to full term. mord had said he had card x neo cross and same thing would happen they would berry but drop all the eggs

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