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Substrate Buffering

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Hey ShrimpSpot!


I wanted everyone's opinion on the buffering longevity of the substrate you currently use or have used. I originally always used ADA Amazonia, which seemed to buffer extremely well for a long period of time, normally at least 2 years.


Recently I noticed many of the newer or subpar substrates seem to lose their buffering ability much sooner, some even exhausted over the course of a year. 


This most certainly could be because I use RODI water and allow the substrate to buffer the PH back down. BUT that is what I have always done whether I used ADA or some other soil. Now that I need to replace 4 of my shrimp tanks substrate because of the exhaustion of substrate I have felt I need to revisit ADA Amazonia.


What are your thoughts, and experiences?


Thank you!



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I think 18months - 2 yrs is pretty standard expectation for soil life when you only use RO water. Which is the right way to do it. 


Which soil are you replacing? 


We have a couple SL-Aqua Nature Soil tanks well into that range now with no signs of the PH rising. I had decent luck with controsoil, tank was around 14months before I took it down to make room for more SL tanks. 



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Controsoil has lasted a year or just over. Same results when I used UP Aquasand in the past.

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