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Almost No Adult Shrimp?

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I have a tank of orange sakura shrimp and I'm having trouble finding adults. 

Parameters are normal, 0/0/0. Water is regular conditioned water (I use Prime). The gh is around 8-10. I feed every other day, using a mix of samples from several companies, and feed a mineral food once a week. 

The temperature is around 77-78 degrees. The tank is planted with moss and anubias and such. 


I don't find bodies, but there are plenty of baby and young shrimp but only a couple adult shrimp. I started out with about ten adults back in April or so. They were around for quite a but but the last month I've been seeing less of the adults. 


Is there any reason why adults would be dying? Or possibly even why young shrimp would not grow to be adults? If you need any more info I can provide it.


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I bought them from a fellow aquarist who lives about an hour's drive from me. We both are in the Chicago area and from what we can tell our water is vet similar. Their gh is almost identical to mine, and they used Prime to condition the water as well. They'd been raising these shrimp for at least a year, I believe, befoe I bought some. 

They add in Indian Almond Leaves, and I do as well (only not as often maybe, I only out in maybe half a leaf or a whole leave once every few weeks once the previous leaf has degraded quite a bit, and I've never noticed a big ph shift due to it).


Also, I realized I forgot to mention this is a standard 5.5 gallon. I run a small HOB filter with a pre-filter sponge. Water changes are spare, maybe one every two weeks, though I top off with conditioned water on the week I don't do a wc.

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