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10 Gallon Tank setup for emergencies


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Here is my 10 gallon tank, all setup in case of an emergency. If I needed to put all of

the shrimp in this 10 gallon, it is ready to go. So, I have a backup or two now to

go with my 48" Long main shrimp tank. The arch is xmas moss all around the



LT 10 gallon


LT 1 10 gallon Tank

This is what the room looks like directly across from the main 48" long shrimp tank.

other side of room across from main tank


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You can't see them in the photo unless you are looking for them, but there are three goldfish in the tank right now,

while it is cycling. I use Tetra Safe Start +, and Colony to start my tanks, so the fish are just fine. But yeah, I

want to put a couple of Panda Loaches in the tank, and just one of something else that I haven't decided

on yet. That's why I wanted someone to breed a dwarf Discus. That would be cool. I couple of Panda Loaches,

and a Dwarf Turquoise Discus for that tank.  The water parameters are the same for the Discus as for

CRS, CBS, shrimp, except the temp is kept way warmer.


But since there is no such a thing as a Dwarf Discus, I will have to settle on something else and the two

panda loaches.   lol

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I now see one of the fish, I see his head .


Panda loaches are very pretty.  From what I have seen at pet store , they vary in shades more white , more black while some are drab .


In fact they went from amazing to dull as far as differences go.

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I now see one of the fish, I see his head .


Panda loaches are very pretty.  From what I have seen at pet store , they vary in shades more white , more black while some are drab .


In fact they went from amazing to dull as far as differences go.

You are lucky that you can find Panda Loach locally! How much are they in your area?

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             They were available at the pet store (Exotic fish) for most of the winter but I do not recall the price.  I had tried to get reticulated Hillstream loach for an unheated tank with good circulation and interestingly enough those were not available .  I should have ordered them but now to hot , might come "winter" .


The problem with some loaches is that the adults as far as color look very different than the young . Not all but seems more species than not.


A friend had saddleback loaches for a few years .  I found lovely as young but at roughly 4 inches they became drab and nothing at all like young.

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wow, what a difference in the color. You would think it would be the other way around.

Less color when you are young and more color when you are older.


I may now have to rethink about the Panda Loaches, if they lose their color and look

dull as they get older. I wonder how long they retain their cool Panda look, until

they start to lose the color and brilliance?

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Louie, I forgot to tell you what kind of LED Light that was. I use the BeamWorks LED Lights on all of my tanks.

I use the 20" on the 10 gallons, and the 48" on the main tank. I hang it 5 inches above the main tank. The

Beamworks led's have the day lights and the blue led night lights that make the tank shimmer when the

blue led's are on. I keep the day lights on 9 hours, the blue led's on for 6 hours, and lights off for 9 hours.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Off topic, but kind of like the ringed python. (Not my pics)


As babies they are a knockout!





As adults, pretty but in a different way:



Def not a snake guy lol, so creepy lol.

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