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High GH and low pH in brackish tank, help!

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Hi everyone,


I just moved my opae ula into a new tank, transferred the old jar water + some newly made water and also added new tank deco like the lava rock and bleached coral.


The water got cloudy after awhile and I got a little worried so I tested the water today, everything else seems fine except for the high GH of 21 dH and low pH of 6.8-7.2.


Can someone please tell me what went wrong in the tank?  


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3 minutes ago, JohnLSmith said:

Wait for at least 48 to 72 hours and see if the tank will balance out. New tanks always have issues within the first month or so.

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Alright! And if its still the same, can I do anything about it?

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1 minute ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

I don't think it will cause the gh to change, however it will cloud your water.  Usually it will go away on it's own.

Alright, maybe I'll do a bit of water change after the cloudiness pass.

But the strange thing is that the pH is low despite having a coral, shells and coral sand in the tank.

How is this possible?

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1 hour ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

Usually it will go away on it's own in around a month.  Water changes won't help.  In fact, it kinda resets itself because of all the new area to populate.

Oh okay. And will a layer of black gravel about 1 cm, block the coral sand which is about an inch, from increasing pH of the water?

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On 9/22/2016 at 0:52 AM, Soothing Shrimp said:

I'll let someone  else answer that one since I don't have a need to use it.


I will add though- keep an eye on your ammonia levels.  As the bacteria dies off to get to normal levels, sometimes it causes an ammonia rise, but not always.

Alright! I'll take note of that!! :) 

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