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ID baby shrimp, please!


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This baby shrimp was born in a tank with Aura Blues and red rillis (they are from my fire reds). He is yellow. I think I have another one like it but smaller, so hard to tell for sure if the other one is yellow too. What is it? A yellow AB?



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hmmm maybe it'll color up more later on. My rili babies come out either clear or dark blue(high grade) but then the rili patterning slowly grows and becomes more prominent on both the clear ones and the dark ones.

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Can I ask, How do you like ABT so far :) I think they're so intriguing. A bit pricey though so I have no clue where to get some.

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Because my first ever tigers died one by one (TT - I have no idea why they died) I was nervous to get AB's. The original ones I got were mostly grey with one more yellow-ish and a couple of more blue-ish. So far I don't have any problems with them. I did gave them their own tank (now they share it with rillis) with Brightwell substrate. My TT lived in an inert substrate with cherries. My AB's breed almost like neo's. From 12 original only 2 or 3 were females. Now I have 2-3 berried almost at any time. I don't remember when I bought them (need to check it) but it was March or April. I'll start a new tank for them and rillis (will try just to copy what I have in the running tank right now plus add some plants from that tank too) but with black substrate. The babies I'm getting are more blue-ish but nowhere as blue as mayphly's. So I hope I'll get more color with darker substrate.

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