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Shrimp Sale, Packaged Deals


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Hey guys, got a few shrimp for sale. Message me for any questions!


Water Parameter that I keep them in:


·       pH: 6.5 

·       gH: 2-3

·       kHL 0-1

·       temperature: 74 degrees

·       TDS: 140


These are the shrimps I currently have available:


Package Deals:


A. 8 Black Pintos (mixed): $80.00 + shipping

B. 3 Red Pintos (mixed): $85.00 + shipping

C. 11 Blue Bolts ( 9 S+, 2 full body,):  $80.00 + shipping


Individual Purchases:


·       Red pinto Mixed (Zebra, Belly, Spotted): $32.00 each (limited)

·       Black pinto Mixed (Zebra, Belly, Spotted): (Sold out) 

·       Blue Bolt (S+): $7.50 each

·       Blue Bolt (85%+ coverage): $13.00 each

·       Blue Mosura: $13.00 each (limited)

·       Blue Steel: $15.00 each (Sold Out)

·       Blue Panda/ BKK: (Sold Out)


Total Price (not including shipping) must at least be $50.00 





Shipping will be done every Monday through UPS and USPS priority (I choose whatever is faster. Also, if you require shipping to be done on a different day, just shoot me a message) Most of the packages will not take more than 2 days if you live in the eastern half of the states. (NY area will most likely be a day). 


Cost of sipping will be around $19.00, but may be ±3 depending on where you are located.


DOA Policy:


I’ll be sure to package as safely as possible to prevent any DOAs from arriving. However, if DOA occurs I’ll be sure to refund the cost right away through Paypal (or add the shrimps to orders in the future) if picture of the shrimp in its original container is sent within 3 hours of receiving the shrimp on its first attempt.

To prevent any inconveniences/disagreements from occurring, taking a video of you opening the package and sending them to me w/ the email would be really appreciated.




S+ BB and Black Pintos





Full Body BB












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Thank you everyone for entering! There 11 people who entered, and the numbers chosen were following: ahboram(72), shikicd(98) jifstone(40), ohmiko (54), dazalea (3), Shrimple minded (29), smokey50 (50), tienhyunh (20), NeMox69x (34), Jynn (76), and svetilda (88). 


This was the result:  True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:49Powered by RANDOM.ORGSo congratulations to smokey50! I will message you shortly regarding details :D 



For the 2nd RAOK, only two participants had the requirements:

dazalea (3), and ohmiko (54) and the results were:


True Random Number GeneratorMin: Max: Result:19 So congrats to dazalea! I will message you shortly :) 

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