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Hello everyone! Newbie here and an eager learner. 


I have 3 planted tanks with neos so far :).  Two of them are dirted with sand cap. One of them I decided to try some Fluval Stratum I had on hand.  So far plants are growing well and the orange neos in it are happy. However I am concerned about the FS water parameters as being too acidic: 7dGH, <1dKH, pH=6.1. TDS=270ppm. I read in general the neos prefer pH above 6.5. Thought about putting carbonates in (crushed coral, cuttlebone, KHCO3 liquid) to exhaust the FS, but that kind of defeats the purpose of using Fluval for buffering. What is your experience with neos in buffering substrates and what are your suggestions?  


Many thanks.

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It just depends honestly. Some breeds are kind of weak with it like I was discussing on here with a fellow shrimper that Palmata was reported to do well but he and I had snowball neo in acidic water and they ended up dying. I also had blue jelly which died. I have kept Red Sakura, Blue dream, Carbon rili neo successfully and berried  in acidic water. :) 

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Thanks Ohmiko and Soothing. I am inclined to keep the setup for a while and see what happens. So far adults and babies that came from the store seem to be doing well and active. 

If things start to go south, what has been your observation on behavior of the shrimps?  Do they start to hide a lot, or do they just die all of a sudden? 

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You know how when you stare at shrimp, their legs are constantly moving and filtering foods and picking at stuff? For me, when I notice something is wrong, I look at them and they just seem like they're frozen in time. and they'll just be hanging off of things and when u disturb them, their swimming is really weak but very erratic and disoriented.  Also their body will get cloudy. For my snowball and blue jelly, I thought their color was reallly nice because i didnt remember how it looked before and it ended up being a really sick color :(

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