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My Amanos are jerks. Should I remove them?


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Hey shrimpers, 


I have a tank with all different species shrimp and recently I added 6 Amanos. They came as 5 adults and 1 juvenile. The adults are the most ruthless shrimp I have ever seen. All my shrimp get along so well and never fight. These guys will fight each other and other shrimp in the tank, if others are in their path they will shove them to the side, take the food for themselves and not let anyone else eat, they escape the main tank and go over into the filtration side and are just altogether insane. I have had some shrimp die and they will swim around the whole tank with the shrimp in it's grips to eat them. Is this normal Amano behavior? What is going on!? 

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I used to have Orange Rilis with the amano shrimp and I think the amanos out competed them for food, so they starved and their numbers dwindled until there were none left. However I never saw them eat the orange rili bodies, just bully them away from the food or take the food and run. Amanos are super aggressive eaters and will gorge themselves when they are hungry, but are definitely one of the more interesting shrimp I currently have as they are extremely durable and can take many different water parameters and temperatures making them super easy to take care of. I don't know about the climbing over to the filtration side, but mine like to sit on my dual sponge filter.  

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On 10/30/2016 at 8:38 AM, NeocaridinaPat said:

Couple they be capable of killing other adult shrimp?


Never saw them eat other shrimp and there is currently a lot of some sort of Daphnia in the tank with them and they don't seem to be interested in them. 

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12 hours ago, Sammy Eyestalks said:

I was considering purchasing some Amanos from Petco, but after reading this I'm having second thoughts.


If your gonna purchase them I would recommend purchasing them for their behavior which is quite entertaining, their hardiness or as tank janitors. Amanos can live with small fish in the same tank, as these guys can compete with them, and as long as the amanos can't fit into the fish's mouth then they should live without injury. They can also tolerate a lot of the planted tank conditions and scavenge the substrate for food which may have gone uneaten, they will also clean up your moss if you have any as detritis likes to stick to it. They aren't extraordinarily good algae eaters, otos are probably better regardless both usually avoid the types you truly want to get rid of. 

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I ended up giving them to a friend. I really liked them, but they do not do well with other shrimp. If it's going to be an Amano only tank go for it though. 


I saw them attacking other shrimp multiple times and my tank is peaceful so they had to go. 

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I moved mine to a 10 so I could put marys in my 55.

The Amanos are fine and constantly berried. They do not bother the betta and it doesn't bother them.

I have seen enough youtube footage of them eating adult shrimp that I didn't want to take the risk.

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To add to how crazy Amano shrimp are...


I work up the other morning to one of my two Amano curled up and krispy looking on the floor below its tank. Apparently he decided to go for a walk within the hours of the night/morning. I for sure thought he was dead based on the look of him and his lack of movement when I picked him up. Just in case though I put his body in a small container of tank water. I came back less than 10 minutes later and the little bugger was upright and alive! At this point I figured he wouldn't last but a couple hours at most. Left him be for the rest of the day and I came back that evening to him swimming around the container and acting normal. He has now been back in his tank for 2 days and looks no worse for wear. I'm glad I didn't flush him/throw him away. The tank now has a cling wrap covering to prevent his escape until the new tank is ready. That one should be more difficult to escape from. 


Super resilient little guys apparently. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

i keep amanos  with taiwan bees.


 just four amanos  that i got at the end of the cyling of my aquarium to help with the algae.


 must say they are entertaining and cheeky.


 but they bully  the taiwan  shrimp and outcompete them for food.  carry pellets  away and them  forget them all over the aquarium in impossible to reach places and come back to the petri plate for more.


 i am thinking of giving them away

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