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Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Shop Small Sale


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Hello All,


I have been super busy but wanted to share with this with you guys first.  All MK-Breed (in stock) products are 25% off, all Plants are $10.00 each, 3 for $25.00

Free shipping after $50.00 and you can mix and match as much as you want.  All shipments will go out after Thanksgiving Week.  Please let me know any questions and enjoy.  I added a Video just for Fun :)   Please contact me directly through this site or rivergardennursery@yahoo.com   Website will not give discounts and or figure out shipping correctly


MK - Breed in Stock
MK-BREED Z-Silver Powder x 2 (22.00) - $16.50
MK-BREED Golden Powder x 3 (18.00) - $13.50
MK-BREED Red Diamond food x 3 (22.00) - $16.50
MK-BREED Black Diamond food x 1 (17.00) - $12.75
MK-BREED White Crystal food x 1 (15.00) - $11.25
MK-BREED Cheeseburger food x 2 (22.00) - $16.50
MK-BREED Shrimp Baby Food x 2 (18.00) - $13.50


New shipment of Tropica 1-2-Grow plants http://tropica.com/en/plants/1-2-grow/

Helanthium 'Quadricostatus' x 4
Helanthium tenellum 'Green' x 4
Heteranthera zosterifolia x 2
Hygrophila 'Siamensis 53B' x 4
Taxiphyllum 'Spiky' x 3
Taxiphyllum barbieri x 3
Rotala 'Bonsai' x 2
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' x 2
Echinodorus 'Reni' x 2
Didiplis diandra x 3
Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' x 2
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis x 2
Staurogyne repens x 2
Cryptocoryne crispatula x 2
Bacopa caroliniana x 4


Java Moss mat x 3


Aqvainnova Lina Zero - http://www.aqvainnova.com/linea-zero/

Bucephalandra motleyana "deep Purple" x 8
Alternanthera Reineckii Variegated x 8
Lagenandra Meeboldii Red x 8
Hygrophila Corymbosa "Siamensis" x 8
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Tropica x 25
Ludwigia repens 'Rubin' x 8
Lobelia Cardinalis x 18
Anubias Petite x 8
Anubias Barteri "nana" x 15
Echinodorus Bleheri x 8

Echinodorus Ozelot Green x 8
Microsorum Pteropus Narrow x 8
Cryptocoryne Undulata x 17
Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae x 8
Microsorum Pteropus x 8


Linea in Vitro aquarium plants - http://www.aqvainnova.com/linea-in-vitro/

Eleocharis Parvula x 29


Edited by Rivergardennursery
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Hi what does it mean by mk breed X 3 ? Thanks :) I'm referring to black diamond food

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OH I thought it was like 3 bags for $17 hohoho

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LOL miko!


What sizes are these:

MK-BREED Red Diamond food
MK-BREED Black Diamond food 
MK-BREED White Crystal food 
MK-BREED Cheeseburger food 
I ask because I've seen some as 30g others 50g...
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I would like to know the size too I am interested in black diamond and cheeseburger :)

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13 hours ago, TropicalAquarist said:

LOL miko!


What sizes are these:

MK-BREED Red Diamond food
MK-BREED Black Diamond food 
MK-BREED White Crystal food 
MK-BREED Cheeseburger food 
I ask because I've seen some as 30g others 50g...

I will confirm at Lunch today.  I do not remember :)

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20 hours ago, TropicalAquarist said:

LOL miko!


What sizes are these:

MK-BREED Red Diamond food
MK-BREED Black Diamond food 
MK-BREED White Crystal food 
MK-BREED Cheeseburger food 
I ask because I've seen some as 30g others 50g...


Okay the bag says 50g but they blacked it out on some of the bags. Just to be safe I am going to say they are 30g. I do not want to miss lead anyone

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