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Shrimp Chemistry theories

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OK, so a quick what if, question for you guys. If you were told someone had a 5g tank with Red Cherry Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp and Tiger Shrimp with a:

PH of 7.6,

TDS of 148 (with tap water at 50 TDS and no supplements used)

KH of lets say 3,

GH of ? and

a temperature of 72-75ish


and the shrimp are having new batches/litters/births every 2-3ish weeks. What would you say?


other parameters

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 5

Organic Miracle Gro substrate with Fluval stratum topper

planted tank with 1 piece of wood


I'm super curious to hear answers

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I would say one of a few things

1.they have miracle shrimp

2.there lieing

3.they bred some seriously sturdy strains of shrimp that are versatile

Crystals can't be kept in ph that high

Tiger and neos and cry.stals can't be kept in a temp that high without some sort of problems and or bacterial infections.

Just my two cents

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I have heard of crystals being in ph that high before. 


Heck I did it myself for an experiment one year.  Someone shipped me a crs, and I put it in my neo tank that was 7.5+.  It survived for about 3 months and then died.


I think Wicca had better luck keeping crs in ph that high before for extended amounts of time.


I haven't seen many breeders try other than us though.

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I would say baby survival is low on the crs side, heat may start playing into red tiger bacterial infections , and over time the mops will eventually start having gas bubbles that can poison shrimp. I would also say shrimp are just surviving not thriving even though they are breeding

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its possible. i had a couple crs get moved with a plant. just a plop and drop. went from 6.5 ph  to a neo tank that ended up having a ph of about 8. they lived fine for a few months before i moved. i lost them in the move though so not sure what would have come out of it. they must have been almost new born crs for me not to see them and the fact they lived kinda shocked me. i also kept tiger shrimp (oebt) in tap with neos and i had cbs in the tank after tap water issues killed off my oebt a year later. it is doable but not sure how well the would do in the long run

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