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Shrimp not interested in food?


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I recently set up a PRL CRS 17 gallon tank, and have around 25-30 shrimp in there now. Anytime I put in outside food they just don't seem interested at all. None of them flock to it, they just pretty much continue to pick at the moss and or drift wood. Every other day, I dose Biozyme and GG Bacter AE (not the same days, alternating).


Someone once told me, that if they have more than enough food to eat in the tank, chances are they won't be flocking towards the new food being given to them. Is this true? Or is something else wrong with the tank?


PH 6.3-6.4

Temp 73

GH 5

KH 0-1

Nitrates 5-10ppm


The tank has a fairly good amount of moss, fissidens, and Staurogyne repens plan

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Correct!  If you're dosing Biozyme and Bacter AE (basically powdered biofilm) then they've probably got more than enough to eat.  Shrimp typically prefer biofilm to everything else!  


Your tank parameters as listed look good, assuming your Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0.  


If you hold back feeding for a few days, heck depending on the amount of biofilm you may need to go a week or more, then add the prepared foods then they will likely flock to it.  Or feed something "high-value" to the shrimp.  Boil a mulberry leaf and drop it in there, or a squash/zucchini bloom.  Mine always go crazy for those!

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Yes agreed you have more than enough bio film and algae in there to keep them happy.  They prefer that over any other kinds of food.  This is a good thing.  However once your numbers grow and the bio film and algae cannot keep up you may have to then supplement more than you need to now.

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Thanks for your responses! 


I just wanted to make sure they have enough supplements / food to help their molts and wasnt sure if biofilm was enough.


@wyzazz for mulberry leaves, is this more appetizing than a indian almond leaf? I have a leaf in there as well, and they almost have zero interest in that... haha

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2 minutes ago, Mishiri said:

Thanks for your responses! 


I just wanted to make sure they have enough supplements / food to help their molts and wasnt sure if biofilm was enough.


@wyzazz for mulberry leaves, is this more appetizing than a indian almond leaf? I have a leaf in there as well, and they almost have zero interest in that... haha


Mulberry Leaves are like crack for shrimp.  I don't know if it's the scent, some sort of witchcraft or what, but they love them!

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