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Water Changes for CRS


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Shrimps all love stability, that being said... how often do you guys do water changes for your CRS? Some say once a week, others say once every 2 weeks...and others say they only change water if their TDS gets to a certain point.


What is your routine?


Right now I am doing about 20% every week. I mix the water a night before and on the day of, I heat the water to match the tank and use a small pump to refill the water back into the tank.

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20% once a month for my crs/cbs. Keeping the TDS around 200. Usually after a month it goes around 250, I drip the water in takes about 4-5 hours. My neos get a 50% water change every 2 weeks, just cause there's a betta in there. 

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25% every two weeks seems to be a great routine for all of the CRS and PRL.  Sometimes though I may wait three weeks or sometimes I may do one after just one week.  I typically keep an eye on tds and nitrates.  If one or the other or both start to rise more than I like then a water change is your best remedy.

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I use rodi water and add salty shrimp gh+ to 115 TDS. When tank water reads above 150 TDS I change 20%, checking the TDS weekly thereafter. I also use a tightly fitted glass top to avoid evaporation. 

When pulling water out of the tank I use a python water changing system and clean half the gravel each time. The frequency of water changes depends on the amount of shrimp in the tank. 

Attached image is the 20 gallon CRS tank. They breed like wild! 


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53 minutes ago, Bee Shrimp Holder said:

I use rodi water and add salty shrimp gh+ to 115 TDS. When tank water reads above 150 TDS I change 20%, checking the TDS weekly thereafter. I also use a tightly fitted glass top to avoid evaporation. 

When pulling water out of the tank I use a python water changing system and clean half the gravel each time. The frequency of water changes depends on the amount of shrimp in the tank. 

Attached image is the 20 gallon CRS tank. They breed like wild! 


So  how many weeks its take to read the diferents in tds?

I do 20% every week... keep it stable , but i dont have babies and beried females ...

I saw srhimps have routines....

They breed from April to november, then stoped....

I try in the past to keep high temp but nothing...

Now i keep themp to 22c its ~72f .

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The 20 gallon from previous message is a once a week or every other week change due to amount of shrimp. A larger 40 gallon with same amount of shrimp might be every other week or once every three weeks. 

Water temperature is 68-69 steady and water going into tank is also brought up to same temperature before adding.

I have noticed steady breeding without effect from seasonal changes so far but only started shrimp keeping 7/2016. This may not be long enough for me to have noticed the cycle yet.


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