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Did I do something wrong here?

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Okay so I've been cycling a Do!Aqua 45-P (10gallon tank basically) with Aquasoil Amazonia at 4" substrate level since May 30...I usually only test the tanks for ammonia and once that reaches 0 I do a 80-100% water change. The tank tested for 0 a few days ago but I was only able to do the water change today. So I did the big water change and used remineralized distilled water and did a parameter test. These are my results:


Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0


Nitrate:....off the roof....literally looks like fruit punch


Did I do something wrong or what am I missing to make the Nitrate be so high? O_o I run purigen in all my tanks after they are done cycling and have already taken out the carbon out of my Aquaclear 30 since I thought the tank was done cycling....

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I experienced the same thing and would assume its normal for ADA Amzonia.

Mine took only 2 weeks for Ammonia and Nitrite to reach zero (I seeded the filter with bacteria), but my Nitrate level was off the scale at 160ppm (the highest).

I did a few water changes and now its around 30ppm.

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This good if it's high, means the cycle is over. Just needs a few water changes and it'll come down. Make sure it's stable and keep the cycle going if it's awhile till shrimp arrive

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I just added all the driftwood that has mini fissidens on it and some ss mesh that has queens moss on it and will be doing 50% water change to it for a while until nitrates hit 0 and will be dosing Seachem Stability in there after each water change.

I didnt use any seeding material for this tank or any of my other tanks that are cycling which is why it took a while but I'm glad to know I'm on the right track


Edit: Checked the nitrates today after the 50% change...down from fruit punch color to about 40ppm now!

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I doubt Nitrates can hit zero - especially in a planted tank, as they are needed for the plants.


Btw, I tested the water at my LFS where I got the Amano shrimps - the Nitrate was 30 ppm.

Also tested the river water where I caught a few wild shrimps - the nitrate was 0 ppm


Comments anyone?

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Mine are always 0 in my tanks, many shrimp will not to good with nitrate present. IME I also dose ferts, so.

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It was so high because Amazonia release so much ammonia during its first few weeks and all that gets turned into nitrates, so your nitrtaes get sky high. Sometimes it takes me 2-3 90% water changes to get rid of all of it. Just don't bother remineralizing if you're doing it like that, it's just a waste of your mineralizer.

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I'm on my third day of doing 50% water changes and will see where the nitrates sit tomorrow. If they're at at nice level I'll just wait until the weekend to do another water change and see what the parameters are at then waiting another week before adding shrimps.

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So nitrates are down to 10 after three days of 50% water changes hehe. I'll do one more water change on the weekend then wait until next week's water change to finally add shrimps. Many thanks to all who helped me!

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I'm not sure if you have them or not, but, floating plants are great to have in a shrimp tank. They will help keep nitrates low along with routine water changes. If you need some I can send you some.

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